Join The Journey To Milan

Representing a small nation like Israel (which provides little government funding to Winter Athletes) can be quite expensive. In order to achieve my milestones ove the next three seasons to ensure to  Israel is represented in Milan, I rely on the support of my sponsors!  

Join The Olympic Journey

All Donations are Tax Deductible 

Donations go directly towards my seasons' costs, and in the USA are tax-deductible, benefiting Advancing Jewish Athletics, Inc., a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit. As a sponsor, you will be a part of this unique journey with me.


Training Program and Expenses

My projected expenses for the next 2 seasons are as follows:

Housing $80,000
Coaching $130,000
Flights $50,000
Baggage Fees $12,000
Car Rentals $32,000
Gas $7,000
Training Run Fees $26,000
Race Fees $1,000
Runners (Sled Blades) $18,000
Sprint Coaching $15,000
Push Coaching $15,000
Push House $12,000
Speed Suits $8,000
Cognitive Coaching $15,000
Ice Spikes $10,000
Sled Purchase $55,000
Gym Access $16,000
Physiotherapy $80,000
Polishing Materials $10,000
Consulting Fees $10,000

Total: $700,000.00 


CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT (Tax Deductible / No Fee)